Towards the Productive Application of Reinforcement Learning in Logistics:

A Case Study on Assembly Line Material Provision Planning

Wladimir Hofmann, Clemens L. Schwarz, Fredrik Branding

Lufthansa Industry Solutions AS GmbH

  1. Motivation

  2. Basic Concepts

  3. Case-Study


How can an open-source tool-stack for training and application of reinforcement learning algorithms in logistics look like?

Basic Concepts: RL

  • Agent & Environment
  • Observation, Action, Reward
  • Action- and Observation-space
  • Python: OpenAI Gym interface
  • many interactions needed for training

    Basic Concepts: DES

    • Discrete-Event Simulation
    • efficient & established way of evaluating logistics systems
    • Python: SimPy & Casymda
    • BPMN-based modeling

    Basic Concepts: DES + RL

    • frictionless wrapping of Casymda models as gym-environments
    • compatible with provided standard RL algorithm implementations


    • in-plant material provision planning
    • Klenk and Galka, 2019
    • production line with 9 assembly stations
    • 2 material types, 1 tugger train

    Case-Study: Processes

    • left: product flow
    • right: tugger train, moving between locations
    • rl_lia_tilemap


    • goal: maximize throughput (24h episode)
    • bottleneck: tugger train (transport capacity limit)
    • observation-space: 48 values (5 per station, 3 per tugger)
    • action-space: next movement target (11 alternatives)
    • challenges: uneven material demand, transportation capacity limits, tightly coupled production process

    Case-Study: Reward (-engineering)

    • number of produced products in the episode?
      (>1000 actions before the reward => sparse!)
    • each successful delivery?
      (2 actions => less sparse, but exploitable)
    • compromise: completion of each product (~20 steps)
    • DES: varying step duration => time-dependent negative reward per step (increased over time)

    Case-Study: RL-Algorithms

    • stable-baselines: different implementations of standard algorithms
    • version 3 is up-to-date (we had used an older version)
    • evaluated implementations, suited for Discrete spaces: ACER, ACKTR, DQN, PPO2

    Case-Study: Heuristic

    • hand-coded heuristic for comparison
    • simple approach: complete delivery of 5 units to the station with the lowest inventory
    • maximize utilization of the bottleneck

    Case-Study: Heuristic


    Case-Study: RL Training

    • separated runs for each algorithm
    • 3 * 10e6 gym-steps => up to ~2.5h (on a notebook, we're not OpenAI)
    • variable time per gym-step => variable number of steps per 24h-episode
    • 350 - 1000 episodes = "days" of experience

    Case-Study: RL Performance


    Case-Study: Our best agent


    Conclusion / Outlook

    • best agent: ~78% of the (near-optimal) heuristics
    • hyperparameter tuning, scalability (ray)
    • extended, published gym-environments for logistics benchmarks
    • interesting environment extension: multiple tuggers (observation-space: repeated values, equivariance, Graph Neural Networks ?)

    Thank you for your attention.

    github-repo | blog-post
    slides: reveal.js