From logistics process models to automated integration testing:

Proof-of-concept using open-source simulation software

Paul Reichardt*, Wladimir Hofmann*, Sebastian Lang**, Tobias Reggelin*

* Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany

** Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation, Magdeburg, Germany

  1. Introduction

  2. Scenario

  3. Demo


  • (control-)software testing with simulation models: Virtual Commissioning
  • known for a long time - Auinger et al., 1999
  • established on PLC-level e.g. using Emulate3D
  • interesting for all types of software, especially for process-centric logistics applications with complex workflows

Software development standards

How can an integration of simulation-based testing into modern software development workflows look like, built on open-source tools and technologies?


small city-logistics company

customers, depots, vehicles, deliveries

order management, tour planning, tracking


Planning Web-App:

3 Core processes


Discrete-Event Simulation Model

Application structure



  • run the DES model against the application backend:
                # from within the cloned repo:
                # (
                docker-compose up
                # simulation: http://localhost:5001
                # web-app: http://localhost:4200

DES-Client + Visualization



Headless DES-Client for CI


Development Workflow

Conclusion I

Conclusion II

  • DES allows extensive and automated integration testing of business-processes
  • integration into modern software development workflows possible
  • helps to ensure software quality
  • accessible open-source technologies and tools
  • minimal show-case, only with functional API tests
  • quantitative assertions on KPIs possible

Thank you for your attention.

github-repo | blog-post
slides: reveal.js